Monday, July 19, 2010


We had a busy weekend. The farmer's market finally had pickling cucumbers in, so we bought 1/2 a bushel. We put up 17 qts. of great- grandma Ruth's dill pickles, and tried 4 qts. of kosher pickles. We also canned 10 pts. of spicy pickled green beans.

Saturday we went up to see our friends Trudy and Bob. They currently have 6 kids at home, and we brought 4, so it was quite a full house, but a very good time. Sunday was canning most of the day. The girls made their fair practice cookies, which were good, but need a little tweaking to get the recipe just right.

One of our fair turkeys is lame, and may not recover. I am trying to get brave in case we need to butcher her. The other animals are doing well.

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