Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 11, 2010 Lots to do.

Today was busy. Adrianna got her pickled beets done for fair. We ended up with 12 pints canned and two quarts in the fridge for us- yum! We also layered our beets with white onions. Our first four jars we used the recipe from The Little House Cookbook, based on the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. We found the following recipe a little sweet for our tastes:

2lbs beets
1c beet water (water beets have been boiled in)
1 cup sugar
1 cup cider vinegar
1/2 tsp. salt
pinch of pepper
2 cloves per jar

We then tried my grandmother's recipe- slightly modified, and we loved it:
2c sugar
3c cider vinegar
2c beet water
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp allspice
1Tbsp cinnamon
2 cloves per pint jar

The syrup covered about 4 pint jars per batch.

We also harvested lavender flowers, and lavender stems for infused honey, teas and satchets. The honey bees were very busy on the lavender in full bloom, so we had to share the flowers. The two littles caught on quickly and were a big help but they were mindful of bees.

We moved bunnies around as growing babies need more room. The meat pen bunnies for fair look great. The girls are excited to show them. Vivi is trying to pick out her fair chickens. It is hard to decide.

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