Monday, September 6, 2010

Allenspark and Estes Day 1

We went up to Peggy and Roy's cabin in Allenspark for an overnight and had a great time. I went with the four kids, and my friend Lauren and her kids, Jack and Amy. The first day we checked in at the cabin and walked around Lily Lake. Chipmunk feeding was great at Lily Lake, as usual, and the kids had lots of fun. We waded in the water and walked the little circle around the lake.

We then drove down to Estes and walked around the grounds of the Stanley Hotel. The kids couldn't wait to get back to the cabin to start playing the games they brought and to start a campfire so we opted to head back.
We then had a glorious dinner of roasted hot dogs, chile and mac n cheese. Followed by cocoa with whip cream and dark chocolate s'mores. Maddie and I also popped popcorn over the campfire. Stargazing was fantastic and was one of my favorite things about the trip.

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