Friday, August 20, 2010

Adrianna's 10th Birthday

Adrianna had a two part birthday. On her actual birthday, the museum hosted a Member's night, so we got to go have buffet dinner and behind the scenes tour with the kids and Grandma Rita and Grandpa Bill. All of the kids got presents, but Adrianna got the most.
The second party was after fair, at City Park Rec. We had a luau swim party, a party room and ice cream sundaes and pizza. We then took a bunch of girls home for a sleep over. I am sooooo tired! maybe next weekend we can catch up on some much needed sleep.

County Fair Part 2

Animals went very well . Madison had Champion Meat Rabbit Pen and Reserve Champion Turkey. Myst won best of breed for Himalayan Rabbits and get an hon. mention for best in show. Maddie also took first in Jr. Poultry showmanship and second in junior rabbit showmanship. She took 5th overall in Round Robin.

Adrianna took Champion Egg Pen and Champion Turkey for the second year in a row. Her Blue Andalusian Hen took best hen of show and she won awards for her record books.

Vivian and Conner showed their first little bunny and Vivian showed five chickens, all of which received blue ribbons. Her favorite chicken is a dark brahma she named "Fargo".

Monday, August 9, 2010

Fair Results Part I

Well, we have survived County fair! The girls did quite well. The list of accomplishments is as follows for Family and Consumer Sciences and Open Flowers:

Vivian:Youth Achievement Award for her sunflower and lots of blue ribbons in open flowers.


Youth Achievement Award for her Black-Eyed Susan and lots of blue ribbons in open flowers.

Reserve Champion for canned goods and a blue ribbon for cookies.

Grand Champion for her Butterfly Gardening Poster

Blue Ribbon Cookies


Champion/ Reserve Grand Champion Cookies

Blue Ribbon Canned Goods

Blue Ribbon Cake Decorating